World Prestige Watches
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Seven Leadership Tun Mahathir;
Nak kejar KPIs results dan macam-macam lagi! Starting first day in June dah kena bombard dengan Boss yang hingga hari ni tak berubah-rubah dengan sifat "Pressure cooker" nyer! Damn!
Knowing his incapability to manage with love and empathy….nobody could actually run away from the pressure routine in delivering our results. As such, avoiding boss is the best remedy ever had by everyone. Bila terfikir nasib diri yang “not so lucky” ni…suka gwe nak sharesatu article yang gwe baca dalam satu member blogger yang gwe follow…
Artikle ni ditulis oleh Tun Mahathir, even gwe bukanlah follower political view Tun Dr. Mahathir tapi gwe kagum dengan prinsip kepimpinan dan pandangan bernas Tun. Beliau menggariskan tujuh kualiti untuk menjadi pemimpin yang baik, iaitu;
• Seorang pemimpin yang baik tidak semestinya merendah diri tapi sekurang2nya tidak bercakap besar. Tapi as long I could remember none of our bosses have this first element….hampeh!
• Kedua, Beliau mesti bersedia menerima tanggungjawab tetapi tidak boleh terlalu mendesak dan berkeras dalam memimpin. Hurm…mostly ramai yang terima tanggungjawab sebab sifat “Back Scratching” yang tahap angkasa gaban! At the end…subordinates yang pecah kepala fikir semuanya from A-Z…maybe up to Y ( Suddently the Boss came in at the end of Z)
• Seterusnya…beliau tidak harus menyalahkan orang lain bagi kegagalan tetapi mengakui kelemahan diri serta tidak harus menuding jari atau mencari seseorang untuk dipersalahkan. …Fuh! Yang ni memang hampeh kali seribu!...I think I should not elobrate more on this, which it will make me cry! Huhuhu!!
• Ke empat, beliau harus bersikap luhur dan tidak pentingkan pujian dan kemasyhuran…. Ye ke?
• Seterusnya..beliau patut tahu bagaimana mengendalikan pengikutnya begitu juga pihak atasan serta perlu sensitif dengan sensitiviti orang lain. Ni tak pernah berlaku rasanya…seingat gwe, most bosses akan mempergunakan orang bawahan untuk mencapai matlamat diri sendiri!
• Beliau patut bersedia melakukan apa yang diharapkan oleh orang lain untuk beliau laksanakan serta mendukung slogan kepemimpinan melalui teladan….alamak! kepimpinan melalui teladan?! Kalau dah polisi pun bosses pun langgar, how would you expect your people to be good!
• Dan yang terakhir, pemimpin perlu bijak dan lebih pintar sekurang2nya berbanding orang yang berada di bawah pimpinannya.
So, adakah anda mempunyai ciri2 kepemimpinan seperti yang Dr. Mahathir jelaskan? Jom kita sama-sama muhasabah diri!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Job Burnout.... AM I?
Taken bath, pray and had my breakfast with my dad and mom…
Bila start enjine kereta terus rasa down….. mula mengelamun ish! Kalau la…boleh MC hari ni…..”
Am I actually facing JOB BURNOUT!?
At some point in our career, we will experience burnout. Regardless of how much we like our job there will come a time when you just don't feel like doing it anymore,… semua benda nampak “TAK BEST..; TAK SYOK” . If you could choose between being sick enough to stay home (and not just lying about being sick) and going to work, you would actually choose to be sick. It would be far less aversive than facing your boss, your co-workers, your clients, or even your own working desk (Burn out tahap GABAN la tu!)
Burnout doesn't happen only to those who are stressed or frustrated, though. Notice the definition says burnout usually happens as a result of stress and frustration. I don't think the stress that causes one to experience job burnout has to be terribly obvious. Work may be going along smoothly. There are no apparent problems — no issues to resolve. You get along well with your boss, co-workers, and clients. Then suddenly one day you feel a little knot in your stomach when you think about going to work. Or, you can't come up with any fresh ideas. You let your inbox fill up. You cringe when your phone rings. You just can't figure it out. Yesterday you loved your job and today you hate it. What could have caused this to happen? … Who actually to be blame? …
Many of us work long hours because we actually like our jobs. We have work that needs to get done, and we choose to spend ten hours a day doing it. Then one day we realize that many months have passed since we had a vacation, a full weekend off, or even a relaxing evening at home. There's an old saying that goes "On their death bed, no one ever said, 'I wish I had spent more time in the office.'" …But I really think I knew a Man who might say such words….! Sure the one that comes with 10 common mistakes. (Please refer to my last post)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Top ten mistakes which are very common amongst bosses.
So I am listing below the top ten mistakes which are very common amongst bosses.
1 - Micro-management
Sometimes when bosses assign work to an employee they don't completely trust that employee will be capable of completing the work. They underestimate the ability of the people they hire and end up offending the employee. "According to me, the number one mistake is, not effectively identifying the strengths of the employee, thereby micro managing or not delegating or not trusting the employee's judgment. A good boss is one who brings out the best in the employee," says Nawal after being hit with “the MAN”
2 - Using improper mode of communication
Some bosses have this weird sense that since they are boss they should order people around and create a military kind of environment. They feel the stricter the things are the better things are organized. If an employee is late for some deadline, then the boss starts labeling the work or the employee himself.
3 - Leading through intimidation
This is one of the worst kind of mistake that bosses make. They feel that if an employee is threatened to work they will perform better. What the boss does not realize is that employee under such pressure end up losing interest in work and will meet the deadline just for the heck of it. Such employees then would only do what is asked from them and will never happily give hundred percent to do something good for the company.
4 - Lacking empathy for employee's situation
There are sometimes when employees do make excuses to take leave or when they come late. But not every reason is an excuse. Bosses end up thinking that their employees are always making excuses and do not showing any consideration for employee's situation
5 - Becoming inaccessible to your employees
An employee wants to contact his boss for something important but he is busy with other things and does not give any weightage to employee's problem and hence he is scared to approach his bosss.
"I have had some experiences at one of the company I worked with, where the manager was just not approachable and accessible. I could not expect any kind of guidance from him. It would not be wrong if I say that he was too busy caught with meetings (not accessible). He was also not approachable at the same time because of bad temperament and everything depended on his mood," said one of my senior friend.
6 - Not providing guidance or motivating employees
An employee should always have something to look forward to. A good manager knows how to motivate employees to make them perform better but for this they have to spend some time with their team. In today's IT work environment many of the managers have no time to spend with the team due to day long meetings. As a result they miss out on understanding a team member's problem at work and providing the right support and solutions for the same. Failing to support and understanding a team member will lead to recipe of resignation. A manager should always have the practice of having one on one to know more about the team member, and then provide right feedback at the same time to motivate with the right attitude.
7 - Not providing a clear picture - Transparency
Many times work is assigned by bosses to employees without clearly telling them the complete picture. Boss should always maintain transparency with their employee to make them understand what exactly they are doing. "If bosses start informing their team about the correct scenarios and maintain transparency about a project, then the employees will work more willingly and meeting the deadline will no longer be a concern of the boss alone," said Jasmelia our IR officer
8 - Insecurity about their post
Some bosses prefer to do things alone rather than taking teams help as they are unsecure that someone will provide better solution, and thus they get a sense of insecurity about their post. "There is something unique about Indian bosses. They get this superiority complex about their position and I fail to understand why. There are many extremely capable folks who like to remain in the 'individual contributors' role because they do not enjoy people management," said GBS friend "You can deal with an egoistic boss, a demanding boss, an impatient boss... but the worst kind is the one who is insecure."
9 - Trying to be friend as well as boss or showing partiality
This is the trickiest part of the boss-employee relationship. Some of the bosses try to maintain a perfect balance between professionalism and friendship but it does not always work well for the company. Employees might become lenient in submitting at deadline or boss might start expecting too much from employees since they are good friend as well….the worst part is, It damn happen to me!
Another part of this equation can be showing partiality or favoring certain employees over others which create negative vibes in the team.
10 - Making fake promises
In order to motivate employees many time managers make fake promises of promotion or goodies but when the time comes they just stall it. This de-motivates an employee a great deal and might backfire badly on the company.
There are many other mistakes that bosses commit but we felt that these are the top ten reasons. You may think differently and have your own reasons. I would like to hear the top mistakes that your boss makes. Do let us me know…..
My Future Blackberry Device....

As usual, every weekend is the most happening day for me and my family. When out for window shopping, watching movie, enjoying treats and watch my kids at playground.Hurm...its was sharp 5.30 pm...we were heading to no where, and finally make a turn to Plaza Sentosa; the most happening mobile and handhelds bazaar in Alor Setar.
Sneaking around with my kids...looking for new crazy offer!Alamak...what the fuzzz!
Blackberry Curve 8900 is freshly displayed!.."Mari tengok bro! Curve 8900...murah jer RM1380...I'm stunned!.....Duit tak cukup la bro, next time ek!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Family is Everything
hmm...You know those moments when you and your family are laughing? Not just cuckling, but full on tummy holding, side aching, tears running laugh. After a while you have no idea what cracked you up in the first place. It is these moments when your family love is strong, and you never want it to end. Then there are the moments when a loved one's hurtful words slash throught the silence, opening old wounds or creating new ones. It is then where the family is tested and it takes a strong, loving relationship to pull through. Being part of a family that is kind, loving (and sometimes frustrating,) I have encountered these moments and realized that they make our love for eachother that much stronger.
You love them and they love you. To me, family is everything.